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  • This event has passed.
  • Date: June 9
  • Time: 7:00pm - 8:15pm PT

A Reading with Four Way Books Poets

Four Way Books is an esteemed publisher—recently gaining major bragging rights due to Gregory Pardlo’s Pulitzer win—and we’re happy to host a reading with three of their poets: Josh Kalscheur, Rachel Eliza Griffiths, and Elizabeth T. Gray, Jr.

Rachel Eliza Griffiths is a poet and visual artist. She is the recipient of fellowships including Provincetown Fine Arts Work Center, Vermont Studio Center, Millay Colony, and the Cave Canem Foundation. Her visual and literary work has appeared widely. Griffiths is the creator and director of P.O.P (Poets on Poetry), a video series of contemporary poets featured by the Academy of American Poets. Her third collection of poetry, Mule & Pear (New Issues Poetry & Prose), was selected for the 2012 Inaugural Poetry Award by the Black Caucus of the American Library Association. Currently, Griffiths teaches creative writing at Sarah Lawrence College and lives in Brooklyn.

Josh Kalscheur has published poems in Boston Review, Slate, jubilat, Ninth Letter, Witness, Blackbird and Best New Poets 2013, among others. A graduate of Saint Olaf College and UW-Madison, he teaches classes at both UW-Madison and Madison College in Madison, Wisconsin.

Elizabeth T. Gray, Jr. is a poet, translator, and corporate consultant. She has published translations from classical and contemporary Persian, and is currently collaborating on the translation of a Tibeto-Mongolian oral folk epic. She was the founding CEO/Managing Partner of Conflict Management Inc. and Alliance Management Partners LLC, consulting firms that assisted global corporations and governments form, manage, and repair complex inter-organizational alliances. She has a B. A. and J. D. from Harvard University and an M.F.A. from Warren Wilson College.