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  • This event has passed.
  • Date: December 4
  • Time: 8:00pm - 10:00pm PT

Castalia Reading Series: December 2012

Castalia is a monthly reading series at Richard Hugo House featuring graduate students, faculty and alumni from the Creative Writing Program at the University of Washington.

Our student readers will be Kendra Bartell, Elizabeth Colen, Calvin Pierce and Meredith Ridings. Our alumna reader is Michael Daly and our faculty reader is Maya Sonenberg.

About our Alumna and Faculty Readers:

Michael Daley was born in Boston, is a graduate of the University of Massachusetts and has an MFA from U. W. In 1976 he was the founding editor of Empty Bowl press in Port Townsend. In 1983 Gary Snyder called his first collection of poetry, The Straits, “Superb, elegant poetically and fresh with the Northwest world.” His chapbooks include: Horace: Eleven Odes, translations published by Sam & Sally Green at Brooding Heron Press, and Rosehip Plum Cherry published by Paul Hunter of Woodworks in Seattle. His poems have appeared in American Poetry Review, Hudson Review, Alaskan Quarterly Review, Raven Chronicles, Seattle Review, and on Garrison Keillor’s Writer’s Almanac. He has received several grants and awards, but his favorite was a Fulbright teacher exchange that allowed him and his family to spend a year living in Hungary. In 2007 he published Way Out There: Lyrical Essays with Pleasure Boat Studio of New York. In 2008 To Curve came out from Word Press in Cincinnati, and in February Pleasure Boat released Moonlight in the Redemptive Forest, including “Frankie the Milkman’s Song & Other Poems,” a CD funded by a grant from Artist Trust with music arranged and performed by Brad Killion.

Maya Sonenberg graduated from Wesleyan University, in 1982 and from Brown University, in 1984. She teaches at University of Washington. She is a member of the Pacific Northwest Writers’ Association. Maya Sonenberg is currently at work on several upcoming publications. She is completing a new manuscript for a novel titled “Learning to Paint” as well as “Voices From the Blue Hotel,” a book of short stories.

