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  • This event has passed.
  • Date: March 24
  • Time: 9:30pm - 9:30pm PT

Great Beer and Poetry: the Cascadia After Party

Breadline and Richard Hugo House, home of the popular “Cheap Wine and Poetry” Series, combine forces to present Great Beer and Poetry, a reading and after party for Cascadia, SPLAB’s festival on Northwest poetics. The reading and party features a whole slew of Northwest poets, including Ed Skoog, Dan Raphael, Jack Remick, Doug Nufer, Daemond Arrindell and Nicole Hardy, readings poems inspired by the Northwest, plus free beer provided by Elysian Brewing Company. Suggested donation $5. This event is not at Richard Hugo House.

For the full slate of readers and more info about the Cascadia festival, visit http://splab.org/2012/03/cascadia-after-party/