Pacifica Literary Review Issue 5 Launch Party
Join us for the release party of issue five of Pacifica Literary Review, a Seattle journal. This event celebrates Pacifica‘s inaugural poetry contest as well as readings by authors featured in the journal. Snacks will be provided, the bar will be open, and Issue No. 5 will be on sale in the lobby. The event is free.
About the Readers
Carl Adamshick is the author of two full-length collections. His most recent, Saint Friend, arrived from McSweeney’s Poetry Series. His first book, Curses and Wishes, received the 2010 Walt Whitman Award from the Academy of American Poets. He is co-founder of Tavern Books, a publisher of poetry.
Willie Fitzgerald is the co-founder and creative director of APRIL, a literary nonprofit dedicated to small press and independent publishing. His writing has appeared in Hobart, Poor Claudia, City Arts, Keep This Bag Away From Children and elsewhere. He grew up in Cabin John, Maryland, and lives in Seattle.
Sierra Golden received her MFA in poetry from North Carolina State University. Winner of the program’s 2012 Academy of American Poets Prize, Golden’s work appears or is forthcoming in literary journals such as Prairie Schooner, Permafrost, and Ploughshares. She has also been awarded residencies by Hedgebrook, the Island Institute, and the Sitka Center for Art and Ecology. Although she calls Washington State home, Golden has spent many summers in Alaska, working as a commercial fisherman. She now works in communications. See more of her work on her website.
Johnny Horton directs the University of Washington’s summer creative writing program in Rome. He’s recently published poems in Cutbank, Poetry Northwest, and Los Angeles Review, and he’s been anthologized in City of the Big Shoulders: An Anthology of Chicago Poetry.
Ed Skoog is the author of two books of poems, Rough Day and Mister Skylight, both published by Copper Canyon Press. His poems have appeared in American Poetry Review, the Paris Review, Poetry, Poetry Northwest, and elsewhere. He has been writer-in-residence at the Hugo House and George Washington University and a visiting professor at the University of Montana.
Maya Sonenberg is the author of the story collections Cartographies (winner of the Drue Heinz Prize for Literature) and Voices from the Blue Hotel. More recent fiction and nonfiction have appeared in Fairy Tale Review, Web Conjunctions, DIAGRAM, New Ohio Review, The Literarian, and Hotel Amerika. The Cupboard will bring out a chapbook of her prose and drawings in 2015. She teaches in the creative writing program at the University of Washington—Seattle and has received grants from the Washington State Arts Commission and King County 4Culture.