☃️ 🍧 🦖 Scholarships now open for Winter ’25 classes! Apply on the class page 😎 🏂 🗻

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  • This event has passed.
  • Date: February 26
  • Time: 4:15pm - 4:15pm PT

Special offer for waitlisted students

We know that a lot of you really wanted to attend Lauren Groff’s three-hour class, Ways to Think About Storytelling Structure. Since you were on the waitlist, we’d like to offer you an opportunity to view a recording of the class.

The recording will be available to view on our platform for two weeks—from 4:15 pm on Friday, Feb. 26, until 4:15 pm on Friday, Mar. 12. You won’t be able to download or save it, but you will be able to learn directly from Lauren, plus get access to the writing prompts she shared with her students.

We ask that you don’t share this page with folks who weren’t on the waitlist for Lauren’s class.

Because the class cost $150 for students to attend, we’ve included a “Suggested Donation” ticket price of $50. You can also donate more on the checkout page if you’d like. The link will be emailed to you by EOD on the day you register. If it’s a weekend, you’ll receive the link on Monday.

If you’d like to watch it right away, please email your ticket receipt to katie@hugohouse.org.

About the Class

Storytelling structure is often thought of in architectural metaphors: think Freytag’s Pyramid, or even Alice Munro’s house (“A story is not like a road to follow… it’s more like a house. You go inside and stay there for a while, wandering back and forth and settling where you like and discovering how the room and corridors relate to each other, how the world outside is altered by being viewed from these windows.”) In this talk, we’ll borrow from a larger palette of metaphors to come up with more surprising — and possibly more helpful — ways of envisioning story structure.