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Writers in Residence

Published writers in the house.

Our program has been bringing talented published authors to Hugo House since 1999. Writers in Residence receive a monthly stipend and paid teaching opportunities, along with the time and space to complete a manuscript.

Writers in Residence have 60 hours throughout the year to meet with Seattle area community members free of charge. Consults will be 30 minutes unless otherwise agreed upon. Consultations can range from questions about the writing life, submission and publication guidance, and more. Writers in Residence will prioritize first-time consults and folks with access needs. 

How to Apply

The Writers in Residence program is currently on hiatus and will not be accepting applications for the 2024-2025 cycle.

Past Writers-in-Residence

2022-2024: Joyce Chen & Ching-In Chen
2021-2022: Ruth Joffre & Jessica Mehta
2020-2021: Laura Da’ & Ruth Joffre
2019-2020: Kristen Millares Young & Laura Da’
2018-2019: Amber Flame & Kristen Millares Young
2017-2018: Sonora Jha & Amber Flame
2016-2017: Anastacia-Renee & Sonora Jha
2015-2016: Joan Leegant & Anastacia-Renee
2014-2015: Kary Wayson & Joan Leegant
2013-2014: Peter Mountford & Kary Wayson
2012-2013: Tara Hardy & Peter Mountford
2011-2012: Ryan Boudinot & Karen Finneyfrock

2010-2011: Cienna Madrid* & Storme Webber*
2009-2010: Angela Jane Fountas & Ed Skoog
2008-2009: Todd Faulkner* & Cody Walker*
2007-2008: Wendy Call & David Wagoner
2006-2007: Bryan Miller* & Bob Redmond*
2005-2006: Matt Briggs & Anna Maria Hong
2004-2005: James Arthur* & Grant Cogswell*
2003-2004: Brenda Bell* & Brian Goedde*
2001-2003: Kathleen Alcala & Emily White
1999-2001: Joan Fiset & Charles Mudede
1999-2000: Rebecca Brown

* Starred writers were part of the Hugo Huts Writers in Residence program, which was discontinued in 2010.