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  • This event has passed.
  • Date: December 5
  • Time: 12:00pm - 6:00pm PT


Write-O-Rama is here! Here’s your chance to try out several workshops offered by Hugo House teachers all in one writing-packed day. Plus, at $45 for five 50-minute classes, you’re getting each class for $9 — a steal, if we do say so ourselves! Craft a found poem, improve the voice of your fiction, write a nonfiction micro-essay, or participate in the many other tutorials we offer. Not only can you sample Hugo House classes and teachers, but you can also try out genres and topics outside of your purview without the pressure of registering for a full class. Register now for Write-O-Rama on Saturday, Dec. 5! Not sure? Scroll down to check out the classes we’re offering.

Write-O-Rama LogoEvent Overview


Registration begins at 11 a.m. The first class begins at 12 p.m. There are five class choices per 50-minute session. Choose your favorite, head to the room in which it’s held, and the instructor will give a brief talk on the topic followed by a writing prompt or exercise.  At the 50-minute mark, we’ll race through the halls ringing the Write-O-Rama bell, and you can head to your next class of choice. After the last bell at 5:00 p.m., join your fellow writers and teachers, too, for a happy hour in the Hugo House Cabaret.  

Class Descriptions


Read them here! 


See the full schedule here!



Teachers for the Dec. 5 Write-O-Rama include Christine Hemp, JT Stewart, Nicholas O’Connell,Waverly FitzgeraldAnn Hedreen, Carolyne Wright, Ramon Isao, Erin Sroka, Ally Harris, Anca Szilágyi, Joan Fiset, and Samantha Updegrave.



Tickets are just $45, and student/low-income tickets are $25.  You qualify for the low-income price if you make less than $30,000 a year; $45,000 in a household.