Gabriela Denise Frank is a transdisciplinary literary artist whose work expands from the page into the sonic, the visual, and the experimental. Her writing has been nominated for Best of the Net, the Pushcart Prize, and deemed notable by Best American Essays. A Jack Straw Writer and alumna of Artist Trust's EDGE Development Program, her work has appeared in True Story, Tahoma Literary Review, Poetry Northwest, Hunger Mountain, Bayou, Baltimore Review, The Normal School, The Rumpus, and elsewhere. She is the author of Pity She Didn’t Stay ’Til the End (Bottlecap Press).
Off the page, her installations and performances transform storytelling into experience. In Seattle’s Central Library, she staged a monthlong performance in which she wrote a novel as the public watched—live. In Jack Straw’s New Media Gallery, she installed a multimedia spoken word exhibition that explored beauty and self-worth through the selfie. Gabriela serves as an arts commissioner for the City of Burien, on 4Culture’s arts advisory committee, and as the creative nonfiction editor of Crab Creek Review. Her work is supported by 4Culture, Centrum, the Civita Institute, Invoking the Pause, Jack Straw, Mineral School, Vermont Studio Center, and Willapa Bay AIR.