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Conversation/Interview, Craft Talk, Educational

  • This event has passed.
  • Date: July 12
  • Time: 12:00pm - 1:00pm PT
  • Format: Online
  • Location: Zoom: Hugo Theater

Ask a Historical Fiction Novelist with Elise Hooper

Join writer Elise Hooper for a free one-hour virtual Q&A session. Elise will offer some tips, tricks, and advice on the art and craft of writing a historical fiction novel. Come to the call with questions about your work-in-progress or for ideas about how to get started.

Elise Hooper

Elise Hooper


A native New Englander, Elise Hooper spent several years writing for television and online news outlets before getting an MA and teaching high-school literature and history. She now lives in Seattle with her husband and two daughters. Previous novels include The Other Alcott and Learning to See.