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  • This event has passed.
  • Date: April 12
  • Time: 5:00pm - 8:00pm PT

“All of the Above”: An Interactive Poetry-Science Installation

The Vis-à-Vis Society, led by Dr. Ink (Sierra Nelson) and Dr. Owning (Rachel Kessler), turn Hugo House’s gallery into an interactive poetry-science installation and data collection machine from April 1 – May 11. Using self-graphing exercises, multiple-choice poems and on-site telephone interactions, participants contemplate Shame, Pantyhose, The Scientific Method, Bad Habits, Camouflage, Snack Dust, The Polka, Secrets and Individual Perception of Time-Speed in Relation to Distance from Optimal Position (with glowing lights).

During Capitol Hill’s Blitz Arts Walk on April 12 from 5-8 p.m., the Vis-à-Vis Society will be on-site to gather further data, lead live experiments and report initial findings via song, dance and poems camouflaged as bushes. Hugo House’s bar will be open serving drinks inspired by the installation.

In conjunction with the installation and using their innovative poetry, science, and performance methods, the Vis-à-Vis Society will also teach a one-day generative writing class, “All of the Above,” on May 5, 1-5 p.m. To register for the workshop, click here.