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  • This event has passed.
  • Date: January 5
  • Time: 7:00pm - 7:00pm PT

Apocalypse Not: Seven Poets for 2012

Apocalype NotRichard Hugo House will host a gathering of seven award-winning poets, who will read from their works, sign books and respond to questions about writing and publishing.

Elizabeth Austen is the author of “Every Dress a Decision” (Blue Begonia Press, 2011) and two chapbooks. Her poems have been featured on Garrison Keillor’s The Writer’s Almanac and Verse Daily, and in journals including the Los Angeles Review, Bellingham Review and Willow Springs. She was the Washington “roadshow poet” and is the literary producer for KUOW 94.9 public radio in Seattle.

Elizabeth J. Colen is the author of Lambda Literary Award nominated prose poetry collection “Money for Sunsets,” flash fiction collection “Dear Mother Monster, Dear Daughter Mistake,” and a forthcoming poetry collection based on 20th/21st century conspiracy theories entitled “Waiting up for the End of the World.”

Jen Currin was born and raised in Portland, Oregon and currently lives in Vancouver, B.C. She has published three books of poetry: “The Sleep of Four Cities” (Anvil, 2005), “Hagiography” (Coach House, 2008) and “The Inquisition Yours” (Coach House, 2010), which won the Audre Lorde Poetry Award. Jen teaches creative writing at Kwantlen University and for Simon Fraser University’s Writer’s Studio.

Sarah Mangold lives in Edmonds, WA. She is the author of “Household Mechanics” (New Issues) and the forthcoming “Electrical Theories of Femininity” (Pavement Saw Press, Transcontinental Poetry Prize). Her most recent chapbooks include “An Antenna Called the Body” (Little Red Leaves Textile Editions), “I Meant to Be Transparent” (forthcoming, LRL e-editions) and “Cupcake Royale” (forthcoming, above/ground press). From 2000-2009 she edited Bird Dog, a print journal of innovative writing and art and currently co-edits, FLASH + CARD, a chapbook and ephemera press.

An inhabitant of the Columbia River Watershed, Linda Russo is the author of “Mirth” (Chax Press) and “o going out” (Potes & Poets), a chapbook. Her work has appeared in New American Writing, Interim, Fence, ecopoetics, Chicago Review, and Colorado Review, among other places. She has been a fellow at Centrum Center for the Arts, the Ragdale Foundation, and the Millay Colony, and has served as an envoy for U.S. poetry in Cuba and Portugal.

Ed Skoog is the author of “Mister Skylight” (Copper Canyon Press, 2009) and the forthcoming “Rough Day.” His poems have appeared in Paris Review, American Poetry Review, Poetry, Ploughshares and elsewhere. He has been the Jenny McKean Moore Writer-in-Residence at George Washington University, writer-in-residence at Richard Hugo House, and a Bread Loaf Fellow. He lives in Seattle.

William Stobb is the author of five collections, including the National Poetry Series selection, “Nervous Systems” (2007), and “Absentia” (2011), both from Penguin Books.  He works as Associate Editor and podcast producer for Conduit (see www.conduit.org).