Dusty Trails of Poetry World Tour: White Pine Press Turns 40
White Pine Press turns 40 this year, and it’s hit the road to celebrate its birthday with the Dusty Trails of Poetry World Tour.
Founding editor Dennis Maloney joins White Pine authors Kelli Russell Agodon, Shin Yu Pai, Susan Rich, Andrew Schelling, and Carolyne Wright commemorating this milestone with a reading from works published by a leading nonprofit literary press of poetry, fiction, and work in translation from around the world.
The bar will be open, and books will be for sale by White Pine Press and the authors. The reading is free.
About White Pine Press
White Pine Press is a nonprofit literary publisher of poetry, fiction, and work in translation from around the world. 2013 is our 40th anniversary and we are celebrating with the Dusty Trails of Poetry World Tour.
Dennis Maloney is a poet and translator. He is also the editor and publisher of the widely respected White Pine Press in Buffalo, NY. His works of translation include: The Stones of Chile by Pablo Neruda, The Landscape of Castile by Antonio Machado, and the recent The Poet and the Sea by Juan Ramon Jimenez, with Mary Berg. His most recent volume of poetry is Just Enough. His book of Yosano Akiko translations, Tangled Hair, will be published in 2012 by Palisades Press.
About the Authors
Kelli Russell Agodon is the author of Letters from the Emily Dickinson Room (White Pine Press, 2010), Winner of the ForeWord Magazine Book of the Year Prize in Poetry and a Finalist for the Washington State Book Award. She is also the author of Small Knots and the chapbook, Geography. Recently she co-edited the first eBook anthology of contemporary women’s poetry, Fire On Her Tongue.
Kelli is the editor of Seattle’s literary journal, Crab Creek Review and the co-founder of Two Sylvias Press. She lives in the Northwest where she is a mountain biker, paddleboarder, and kayaker. She loves dessert, but despises cheesecake. She is recently completed her third book of poems, Hourglass Museum.
Shin Yu Pai is the author of Adamantine (White Pine, 2010), Sightings (1913 Press, 2007), and Equivalence (La Alameda Press, 2003), in addition to several artist books including Hybrid Land (Filter Press) and Works on Paper (Convivio Bookworks). She received her MFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. For more information, visit shinyupai.com.
Susan Rich has traveled to Bosnia Herzegovina, South Africa, and the West Bank as a human rights activist and electoral supervisor. She has worked as a Peace Corps Volunteer, a Program Coordinator for Amnesty International, and now teaches English and Film at Highline Community College outside of Seattle. Susan is the author of three collections of poetry, The Alchemist’s Kitchen (2010) named a finalist for the Foreword Prize and the Washington State Book Award, Cures Include Travel (2006), and The Cartographer’s Tongue / Poems of the World (2000) winner of the PEN USA Award for Poetry all published by White Pine Press. She has received awards and fellowships from Artist Trust, CityArtists, 4Culture, The Times Literary Supplement of London, Peace Corps Writers, and the Fulbright Foundation. Rich’s recent poems appear in the Harvard Review, New England Review, and the Southern Review. Find her online at thealchemistskitchen.blogspot.com
Andrew Schelling has published about twenty books: poetry, essays, translations, and anthologies. His recent titles include A Possible Bag (poetry, Singing Horse Press) and The Oxford Anthology of Bhakti Literature. His poetry is recognized for its engagement with ecology, wilderness, & Asian literature, while his translations from the poetry of old India are widely anthologized. His first collection of translations Dropping the Bow: Poems from Ancient India (White Pine, second edition 2010) received the Academy of American Poets translation prize in 1992. He teaches at Naropa University in the Southern Rocky Mountain eco-zone, as well as at Deer Park Institute in India’s bird-rich Himalayan foothills.
Carolyne Wright has published nine books of poetry, four volumes of poetry in translation from Spanish and Bengali, and a collection of essays. These titles include A Change of Maps (Lost Horse Press); Seasons of Mangoes and Brainfire (Carnegie Mellon UP/EWU Books), which won the Blue Lynx Prize and the American Book Award; and Majestic Nights: Love Poems of Bengali Women (White Pine Press, 2008). A poem of hers appeared in The Best American Poetry 2009 and the Pushcart Prize XXXIV (2010). Wright is a Contributing Editor for the Pushcart Prizes; and a Senior Editor for Lost Horse Press, for which she is co-editing an anthology of poems on women and work, Raising Lilly Ledbetter: Women Poets Occupy the Workspace. In 2005 she returned to her native Seattle, where she is on the faculty of the Whidbey Writers Workshop MFA Program.