Elizabeth Colen’s Waiting Up for the End of the World Book Launch
“Waiting Up for the End of the World” (Jaded Ibis Press, 2012), the newest collection of poetry from Elizabeth Colen,examines 20th / 21st century conspiracy theories from a poetic standpoint. Taking road trips around the globe from New York City, Dallas, Atlanta, Georgia, and Gakona, Alaska to Area 51, Lockerbie, Scotland, London, Paris, and Indonesia, Colen visits the sites of alleged secret plans and alliances and their sometimes cataclysmic outcomes, investigating through verse such topics as black helicopters, chemtrails, the North American Union, the fluoride conspiracy, and the JFK assassination, and exploring possible links between government and corporate corruption and the on-the-ground results of continued global overconsumption.
Joined by novelist Halvor Aakhas, author of “Book of Knut,” Colen reads from “Waiting Up for the End of the World” in an event hosted by Jaded Ibis publisher Debra Di Blasi. Books will be for sale, and the bar will be open.
About the AuthorsElizabeth J. Colen was born in the Midwest, raised in the Northeast, has lived in the Southeast, and currently makes her home in the Pacific Northwest. Author of the Lambda Literary Award nominated prose poetry collection “Money for Sunsets” (Steel Toe Books, 2010) and flash fiction collection “Dear Mother Monster, Dear Daughter Mistake” (Rose Metal Press, 2011), she also occasionally blogs about books, libraries and train travel.
Halvor Aakhus was born and raised in southern Indiana, on the Ohio River. There, he practiced the piano until 1999, when he went to the Jacobs School to study composition but soon abandoned music for various kitchen jobs and graveyard shifts at gas stations. The first decade of the new millennium is a blur. Despite himself, Aakhus earned a B.A. in Mathematics (2006) and an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Florida(2011). Book of Knut: A Novel by Knut Knudson has been turned into a math textbook containing musical scores and oil paintings, as well as homework problems.