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  • Date: August 1
  • Time: 7:00pm - 7:00pm PT

Greetings from the Cincinnati Review

The Cincinnati Review celebrates its Seattle-area contributors with this reading. Poetry Editor Don Bogen will be present to answer questions, copies of the literary magazine will be available, and readers will include Kelly Davio, Jeannine Hall Gailey, Rebecca Hoogs, Priscilla Long, Martha Silano, Megan Synder-Camp and Carolyne Wright, who will also have books for sale. Cafe will be open.

About the Readers:

Don Bogen is the author of four books of poetry, most recently “An Algebra” (University of Chicago Press, 2009). Awards for his work include grants from the NEA and the Ingram Merrill Foundation and Fulbright positions in Spain and at the Seamus Heaney Centre for Poetry of Queen’s University, Belfast. Nathaniel Ropes Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the University of Cincinnati, he has served since 2005 as Poetry Editor of The Cincinnati Review, where he has had the pleasure of being able to publish work by all the other poets at this reading.

Kelly Davio serves as Managing Editor of The Los Angeles Review and reads poetry for Fifth Wednesday Journal. She is the author of the poetry collection “Burn This House,” forthcoming from Red Hen Press in March of 2013. Two poems from this collection appeared first in The Cincinnati Review. Her work appears in Gargoyle, Women’s Review of Books, Best New Poets 2009 and others. She holds an MFA in poetry from the Northwest Institute of Literary Arts and teaches English as a Second Language to high school students in the Seattle area.

Jeannine Hall Gailey is the new Poet Laureate of Redmond, Washington and the author of “Becoming the Villainess” (Steel Toe Books, 2006) and “She Returns to the Floating World” (Kitsune Books, 2011) which was a finalist for the 2012 Eric Hoffer Montaigne Medal. Her third book, “Unexplained Fevers,” will be published by Kitsune Books in late 2013. Her poetry has appeared in The Cincinnati Review, American Poetry Review, The Iowa Review and Prairie Schooner. She reviews books for many venues, which have included The Rumpus, The American Book Review and The Cincinnati Review. She volunteers for Crab Creek Review and teaches for National University’s MFA program.

Rebecca Hoogs is the author of a chapbook, “Grenade” (GreenTower Press), and her poems have appeared in journals such as Poetry, AGNI, Crazyhorse, Zyzzyva, The Journal, Poetry Northwest, The Florida Review, Cincinnati Review and others. She won the 2011 Southeast Review poetry contest. She is the recipient of fellowships from the MacDowell Colony and Artist Trust of Washington State. She is the Director of Education Programs and the curator of the Poetry Series for Seattle Arts & Lectures, and the Co-Director of the Creative Writing in Rome program for the University of Washington.

Priscilla Long‘s science-as-it-rubs-up-against-the-rest-of-life column, “Science Frictions,” appears each Wednesday on The American Scholar website, to wit: http://theamericanscholar.org/crow/. Her most recent book is “The Writer’s Portable Mentor: A Guide to Art, Craft, and the Writing Life.” Her poems, stories and creative nonfictions appear widely in journals such as Under the Sun, Cincinnati Review, The American Scholar, The Southern Review, Raven Chronicles, Web Conjunctions, The Alaska Quarterly, Fourth Genre, Tampa Review and Passages North. Her awards include a National Magazine Award and Seattle and Los Angeles arts commission awards. She teaches writing and is author of a history book, “Where the Sun Never Shines: A History of America’s Bloody Coal Industry.’ She serves as Senior Editor for www.historylink.org, the online encyclopedia of Washington state history. For more information please visit www.PriscillaLong.com

Martha Silano is the author of three collections of poetry: “What the Truth Tastes Like” (winner of the William & Kingman Page Poetry Book Award), “Blue Positive” (a National Poetry Series finalist) and “The Little Office of the Immaculate Conception” (winner of the 2010 Saturnalia Books Poetry Prize and an Academy of American Poets Noted Book of 2011). Martha’s poems have also appeared in Paris Review, North American Review, Beloit Poetry Journal and The Kenyon Review, among others. Her poem “Love,” originally published in The Cincinnati Review, appears in David Wagoner’s guest-edited “Best American Poetry 2009.” Martha helps out with editing Burnside Review, coordinates poetry events such the Beacon Rocks! performance series for Seattle’s Beacon Hill neighborhood and teaches at Bellevue College.

Megan Snyder-Camp‘s first collection, “The Forest of Sure Things,” won the 2008 Tupelo Press / Crazyhorse First Book Award. She has received grants and awards from the 4Culture Foundation, Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, the Espy Foundation, Djerassi Resident Artist Program and the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest’s Long Term Ecological Reflections program. Her poems have appeared in the Antioch Review, Field, ZYZZYVA, the Sonora Review, The Cincinnati Review, 88 and on the PBS NewsHour, and have twice been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. She has taught at the University of Washington and the Richard Hugo House in Seattle, where she lives with her family. She serves on the board of Seattle’s chapter of the national literacy nonprofit First Book. Her poem “Bearings,” first appeared in the Cincinnati Review.

Carolyne Wright has published nine books and chapbooks of poetry, a collection of essays and four volumes of translations from Spanish and Bengali. Her latest collection is “Mania Klepto: the Book of Eulene” (Turning Point, 2011), featuring the post-modern alter-ego, Eulene—two of whose misadventures first appeared in The Cincinnati Review. Her other recent books include “A Change of Maps” (Lost Horse Press, 2006); and “Seasons of Mangoes and Brainfire” (Carnegie Mellon UP/EWU Books, 2nd edition 2005), which won the Blue Lynx Prize and American Book Award. A Seattle native who studied with Elizabeth Bishop and Richard Hugo, Wright has been a visiting writer at colleges, universities, schools and conferences around the country. She moved back to Seattle in 2005, and teaches for the Northwest Institute of Literary Arts’ Whidbey Writers Workshop MFA Program and for Hugo House. A poem of hers appeared in “The Best American Poetry 2009” (ed. David Wagoner) and the “Pushcart Prize XXXIV: Best of the Small Presses” (2010).