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  • This event has passed.
  • Date: January 30
  • Time: 7:00pm - 7:00pm PT

State of the Book Salon 2

Seattle7Writers and Hugo House are teaming up once again to bring you the second State of the Book Salon (SOB.2). At these quarterly salons, set in our comfortable cabaret/bar, publishing industry professionals discuss ongoing developments in the book business.

SOB.2 will feature Jon Fine, director of author and publisher relations for Amazon.com; Robert Sindelar, managing director of Third Place Books; and author Peter Mountford, Hugo House writer-in-residence and winner of the 2012 Washington State Book Award. The panel will be moderated by Garth Stein, co-founder of Seattle7Writers. SOB.2 will take on the charged topic of e-books and their many forms–self-publishing, Amazon publishing, traditional publishing–as well as issues of digital rights management, and even a little piracy thrown in for good measure.

The SOB salon series is geared specifically for published, professional writers, but all interested are welcome to attend. The panel will run for one-hour. Panelists and attendees are encouraged to mingle after the session to continue the discussion and enjoy refreshments (adult and otherwise) at the bar. A $5 donation is suggested to help Seattle7Writers continue programming future events, but the event is free and open to the public.