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  • This event has passed.
  • Date: October 11
  • Time: 7:00pm - 7:00pm PT

Tag Sale and Readings by Heather Christle, Zachary Schomburg and Kary Wayson

tag sale imagePoets Heather Christle, Zachary Schomburg & Kary Wayson read recent work, followed by a tag sale. The poets will have second-hand items for purchase, including cassette tapes, a (working) lamp, small kitchen appliances, a decorative globe and a red novelty foam hand. Items will be sold with a short poem. No early birds.

The reading is free, and the bar will be open. Hosted by poet and pie maker Kate Lebo.

About the Poets
Heather Christle is the author of “The Difficult Farm” (Octopus 2009) and “The Trees The Trees” (Octopus 2011). Her third book, “What Is Amazing,” will be published by Wesleyan University Press this spring. She lives in Northampton, Massachusetts and is the web editor for jubilat.

Kate Lebo is a poet and pie maker from Seattle, where she attends the University of Washington’s MFA program. Her poems have appeared most recently in Poetry Northwest, Bateau and The Portland Review and will be anthologized in Best New Poets 2011. She’s the recipient of a Nelson Bentley Fellowship, a 4Culture grant and a Soapstone residency. For more about Kate’s zine, “A Commonplace Book of Pie,” and other tasty treats, visit Good Egg: goodeggseattle.blogspot.com.

Zachary Schomburg is the author of “The Man Suit” (Black Ocean 2007), “Scary, No Scary” (Black Ocean 2009) and two forthcoming books, “Fjords” and “The Book of Joshua.” He co-edits Octopus Magazine and Octopus Books. He lives in Portland, OR.

Kary Wayson‘s poems have appeared in Crazyhorse, Poetry Northwest, Alaska Quarterly Review, The Nation, The Journal, FIELD, Filter, The Best American Poetry 2007 and the 2010 Pushcart Prize anthology. Kary was a 2003 Discovery/The Nation award winner, and her chapbook, “Dog & Me,” was published in 2004 by LitRag Press. Her first full collection, “American Husband,” won the Ohio State University Press/ The Journal Award in 2009. Kary lives and works in Seattle.