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  • This event has passed.
  • Date: December 18
  • Time: 5:15pm - 5:15pm PT

Who Will Speak? — An evening in celebration of poetry and readers

In the marketplace, the butcher lifts
our tongue from a bed of ice, shouts: who will speak for this flesh?
— Roger Reeves, from “Cymothoa Exigua”.

Join Copper Canyon Press and Richard Hugo House for a celebration of the gift that is given between the poem and the poetry reader. Meet author Roger Reeves, who will be reading from his debut book of poetry. Listen to local poets and performers interpret great works by Copper Canyon poets. Do your holiday shopping at our book sale. Allow us to introduce you to our newest (and tried and truest) titles. The first 100 RSVPs will receive a complimentary book of poetry at the door. RSVP here.