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Instructor Zoom Security Procedure

Hello, Hugo House Teachers!

Zoom currently requires authenticating a device before using an account for the first time or if the device has not used the account in a while. We recommend doing this on a Friday within the two weeks before your first class to avoid a last-minute scramble. Once you authenticate your device, Zoom will recognize it for all future sessions of your class.

The process takes about five minutes.

Zoom Security Procedure

Process summary

  • Open a private/incognito window in your browser.
  • Sign in to the Hugo House teacher Outlook email account.
  • From the Zoom window, log in to your assigned Zoom account.
  • If prompted for a One-Time Password (OTP), retrieve your unique OTP from the teacher email account and enter it into your Zoom window.
  • Click Verify.

Walkthrough with Screenshots

  1. From your browser, open a Private/Incognito window. An easy way to do this is by opening your browser and using a keyboard shortcut. Here are the keyboard shortcuts for some popular browsers:
    • Chrome
      • Windows, Linux, Chrome OS: Ctrl + Shift + n
      • Mac: ⌘ + Shift + n.
    • Firefox
      • Windows/Linux: Shift + Ctrl + P
      • MacOS: Shift + ⌘ + P
    • Safari
      • ⌘ + Shift + n
    • Internet Explorer
      • Ctrl + Shift + P
    • For example, Chrome’s Incognito window looks like this:
      Picture1 Big   
  2. In your Private/Incognito window, navigate to https://outlook.live.com/owa
    Picture2 Big   
  3. Sign in using the credentials listed in the email with subject line “Reminder: Pre-Authenticate your device for Hugo House’s Zoom Account”
    Picture3 Big Picture4 Big 
  4. You are now in the Hugo House teacher inbox. If you are required to authenticate your device, this inbox will get an email with the subject heading “Code for signing in to Zoom.” Each code is unique and expires within ten minutes (you can send a new code if it times out).
    Picture5 Big 
  5. Open the Zoom desktop app. Log out of your personal Zoom account if necessary. Enter your assigned Hugo House Zoom account and password. You’ll find this in the automated email sent two weeks before class from welcome@hugohouse.org (check spam if necessary). Click Sign In.
    Picture6 Big 
  6. If you are required to authenticate, Zoom will display the following window and fire off an email with your OTP. This email is automatically forwarded to the teacher inbox.
  7. In the teacher inbox, open the email from Zoom containing your OTP – be sure to match the email to the Zoom account you’re using. Your OTP is the bolded number.
     Picture7 Big
  8. Toggle back to your Zoom client, enter your OTP, and click Verify. That’s it!
    Picture8 Big 


Will I have to do this every time I start class?
No. Once you have authenticated your device, Zoom will recognize it for the remainder of your sessions. However, if you need to log in to a different Hugo House Zoom account (ex. from salon@hugohouse.org to hideout@hugohouse.org), you will need to authenticate your device again.

Do I have to use a Private/Incognito window?
No. Feel free to open the Outlook link in your usual browser window. We recommend using a Private/Incognito window to avoid having to log out of any work or personal Outlook or Office 365 accounts.

What if my OTP times out?
Zoom will say your code expired and prompt you to click back to the login display. Once you attempt another login, Zoom will email a fresh code.

#(@$*&!!! I didn’t pre-authenticate and my class starts in ten minutes!
You’ve got this!

  1. Open a private/incognito window.
  2. Sign in to the teacher email account.
  3. Log in to your assigned Zoom account.
  4. Retrieve the OTP from the email account and enter it into your Zoom window.
  5. Open your classroom five minutes before the start time to avoid booting another class.

Help! I’m lost and my class starts in ten minutes!
For the quickest response, email our front desk at welcome@hugohouse.org or call us at 206 322 7030.

Need accommodations, assistance, or help with other tech questions?
Email our front desk at welcome@hugohouse.org.

Picture9 Haha