Youth programs at Hugo House are currently on hiatus while we evaluate our current offerings and plan for the future. Thank you for your understanding and patience!
Misty Mint Magazine is a fresh new literary journal run primarily by students from the Hugo House Young Writers Cohort (with some support from the Hugo House Youth Programs team!) and was founded with inspiring youth voices in mind.
As passionate young writers ourselves, we recognize the importance of providing a safe space for youth to express themselves, regardless of their experience, background, ethnicity, and/or identity. Through our words, we share unique perspectives in a world that needs to hear them.
We also acknowledge the weight of our histories and the power of our identities. By showcasing our incredible works of prose, poetry, and everything in between, we aim to amplify the voices of all writers who have been historically marginalized or silenced in the publishing world. So, to the young writers who have felt unheard in the past, this is your time to shine! Whether your pieces are pristine or still a bit rough around the edges, whether they’re hopeful or despondent, whether they speak truth to our lived realities or envision worlds outside of our own, we encourage you to share your work with us!
As you look through the pages of Misty Mint Magazine, you’ll see the many pasts, presents, and futures of these diverse young writers. By the time you turn over the last leaf of this journal, we hope you’ll come away feeling empowered in this ever-changing world.
— Allison, Anthony, Josie, Olivia L., Olivia Z., and Sophia
Hugo House Young Writers Cohort 2022
Misty Mint Magazine Volumes
All Misty Mint Magazine volumes are available physically and digitally with a suggested donation of $10 per volume.
Make your Misty Mint donation here.
Digital Volumes
Click the images below to download a digital copy of Misty Mint Magazine.
Physical Volumes
Physical copies of Misty Mint Magazine are available in limited quantities at Hugo House during classes or events. If you’d like to request a copy, please contact us
Submit Your Work
Submissions are currently closed. Please check back here for information about our next submission window. Thank you for your interest!
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes! Misty Mint Magazine accepts all work, even if it has been published elsewhere. If your work has been published previously, please tell us the following:
- Where your work was published (and a link, if online)
- When it was published
- If it is eligible for republication
- If accepted, we will acknowledge the site of the original publication
Please be sure to read the Submission Guidelines above carefully to ensure that your work meets our criteria for acceptance.
Yes! However, if your publication is accepted elsewhere after submitting to Misty Mint Magazine, please let us know as soon as possible by emailing In the email, please let us know if you are still interested in having your submission considered or if you’d like to withdraw your submission.
If you are still interested in having your submission considered, tell us the following:
- Where your work will be published
- When it will be published
- If it is eligible for republication
If accepted, we will acknowledge the site of the original publication.
Absolutely! However, please include English translations for any non-English words, phrases and sentences for your piece.
Young writers ages 5-19 are welcome to submit!
Our submission window opens July 15, 2022 and will close on September 25, 2022 at 11:59pm PT. You will hear back from us about whether one or more of your pieces is accepted for publication by no later than November 23, 2022 in an email from, sent to the email address you include with your submission. Please do not contact us ahead of that date.
Misty Mint Magazine uses a multistage review process designed to best meet the mission of our literary magazine. One review stage is conducted anonymously in order for our editors to focus solely on the quality and content of the work, and another review stage considers the identifying information shared by writers and artists in the submissions portal. Editorial review also takes into consideration layout, balancing genres published and age range of submitters.
Misty Mint Magazine is operated by talented, driven, and exceptionally thoughtful students from the Hugo House Young Writers Cohort. Since its inception, these young writers have worked tirelessly to build the foundations of Misty Mint Magazine—from crafting its mission, naming the publication, and designing the submission and review process, making this truly a literary journal that is by youth, for youth.