Ask a Poet with Jane Wong (Virtual)
Join Jane Wong, poet and professor at Western Washington University, for a free one-hour Q&A. Jane will offer some of her expert tips, tricks, and advice on the art and craft of writing poetry. Come to the call with questions about your works-in-progress or for ideas about how to get started.
Registration is limited, so RSVP at the “Tickets” link today. If you RSVP but cannot make the event, please notify our registrar at so we can open that space to another participant.
Jane Wong is the author of How to Not Be Afraid of Everything (Alice James, 2021) and Overpour (Action Books, 2016). Her poems and essays can be found in places such as Best American Nonrequired Reading 2019, Best American Poetry 2015, American Poetry Review, POETRY, Virginia Quarterly Review, McSweeney’s, and Ecotone. A Kundiman fellow, she is the recipient of a Pushcart Prize and fellowships and residencies from Harvard’s Woodberry Poetry Room, the U.S. Fulbright Program, Artist Trust, the Fine Arts Work Center, Hedgebrook, Willapa Bay, the Jentel Foundation, and others. She is an Associate Professor of Creative Writing at Western Washington University.