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  • This event has passed.
  • Date: March 11
  • Time: 7:00pm - 7:00pm PT

Book Launch Party for Jordan Hartt’s Leap

leapJordan Hartt will read from his book Leap, with a reading and Q&A by Kristen Millares Young.

Leap sold out in its first small press printing at Centrum this past July. This second run comes from Tebot Bach in California. Books will be available for sale at the event.

In Leap, humans stand as metaphors for the geo- and biological cycles of the Pacific Northwest. Salmon are born, swim into the ocean, and return to spawn and die. Owls track mice in the snow. Rain falls on rusted trucks, on old buoys, on blue tarps, and football fields. A deer runs with her daughter through the salal during a coastal windstorm — but what safety, what comfort, is she seeking?

author photoJordan Hartt is a reader, writer, writing teacher, and community and events organizer. A collection of narrative poems, Leap, came out in July 2015. Hartt’s work has appeared in about 30 different literary magazines and journals, including Another Chicago Magazine, Crab Creek Review, and Prose Poem. He holds a Master of Fine Arts degree from the University of Idaho, and has taught literature and creative writing at Peninsula College for the past eight years. Hartt also runs the Port Townsend Writers’ Conference, which annually brings writers together in community for a week of intense focus on the craft of writing.