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  • This event has passed.
  • Date: November 6
  • Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm PT

Cheap Wine & Poetry: Bill Carty, Lauren Ireland, Shin Yu Pai, Michelle Peñaloza

We’re kicking off the first cheap wine event of the season with avid ’80s science textbook collector Bill Carty, fashion authority and admirer of Lil’ Wayne’s muscles Lauren Ireland, poet and oral historian Shin Yu Pai, and heartbreak documenter and avid gif user Michelle Peñaloza. The evening will be hosted by queen of author bios Jeanine Walker. And did we mention that the wine is only a buck?

Bill Carty new

Bill Carty has recently published in Poetry Northwest, Octopus, Pinwheel, and Sixth Finch. His chapbook Refugium was published by Alice Blue Books. He was a 2012-13 Made at Hugo House fellow and is currently a fellow at the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown, MA.

author (1)Lauren Ireland is a graduate of the MFA program for Poets and Writers at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst and an editor at Ghostwriters of Delphi. She is the author of The Arrow (Coconut Books, 2014), Dear Lil Wayne (Magic Helicopter Press, 2014), and two chapbooks, Sorry It’s So Small (Factory Hollow Press, 2011) and Olga & Fritz (Mondo Bummer Press, 2011). She lives in Seattle and online at laurenireland.net andghostwritersofdelphi.com.

Shin Yu Pai-1 © Kelly O (1)Shin Yu Pai is the author of seven books of poetry, including most recently Adamantine (White Pine, 2010). Her work has been published in the U.S., China, United Kingdom, and Canada and is anthologized in The Wisdom Anthology of North American Buddhist Poetry and America Zen. She has completed residencies at the Ragdale Foundation, Soul Mountain, Taipei Artist Village, and The MacDowell Colony. She received her MFA from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Visit http://shinyupai.com, for more info.

Michelle PenalozaMichelle Peñaloza grew up in Nashville, Tennessee and earned her M.F.A. from the University of Oregon. Her poetry has appeared most recently in TriQuarterly, Hobart, The Weekly Rumpus, Hyphen, and INCH.  She is a Jack Straw Writer, the recipient of the Miriam McFall Starlin Poetry Award from the University of Oregon, fellowships from Kundiman, the Richard Hugo House, and Oregon Literary Arts, as well as scholarships from VONA Voices, Vermont Studio Center, the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, and the Napa Valley Writers’ Conference.  Her forthcoming chapbook, landscape / heartbreak, will be published by Two Sylvias Press come spring.