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Writing Circle/Write-In, Community Event

  • This event has passed.
  • Date: April 13
  • Time: 5:30pm - 6:30pm PT
  • Format: Online
  • Location: Zoom: Salon

Community Write-In with Anna Vodicka

Join writers from across the country and around the world every Thursday evening and get your words flowing in community! Our instructors rotate on a monthly basis to bring you an array of writing prompts and ideas. After a healthy dose of inspiration, you’ll get time to write and the opportunity to connect with other writers. Whether you want to journal, blog, start something new or get some fresh ideas for a work-in-progress, this hour will jumpstart your creativity.

Anna Vodicka

Anna Vodicka

Anna Vodicka's essays and travel writing have appeared in a variety of magazines and anthologies, including AFAR, Brevity, Electric Literature, Guernica, Harvard Review, McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, Ms., Longreads, Paste, Flash Nonfiction Funny, and Lonely Planet’s An Innocent Abroad. Her writing has been selected for Best of Brevity, Best Women's Travel Writing, Pushcart Prize Special Mention, The Missouri Review Audio Prize, and Best American Essays and Best American Travel Writing notables, in addition to earning residency fellowships to Vermont Studio Center, PLAYA, and Hedgebrook, and grant support from Artist Trust, 4Culture, and the Barbara Deming Memorial Fund. She co-led The Golf Pencil Group writing program at the King County Jail, and teaches flash nonfiction and generative workshops at Hugo House.