DUNE Mini-Comics Night
DUNE* Mini-Comics Night is where folks are invited to create the contents of a black and white, 5.5” x 8.5” printed anthology within a limited amount of time, in one evening with no prompts or themes. Create whatever you want but it must be physical and finished by the end of the night.
An exclusive edition of the book will be published and distributed to only the contributors at the following DUNE meet-up.
This is a night of communal productivity and creation with a deadline, not just drinking and drawing. It is also meant to be a challenge to one’s abilities to create a finished piece of self-satisfied work within the limitations. Bring the art supplies and paper that you are most comfortable working with and join dozens of illustrators and cartoonists on the last Tuesday of each month from 5pm – 9pm. Space fills up quickly so be on time or you may have to wait for space to create.
As always, this is a community funded project and we’ll ask for donations of $5 per submission for printing/publishing and renting the space at the historic Hugo House. Please do our hosts a favor and order one drink minimum from the Book Bar.
All are welcome! Don’t be a jerk!
*There is no relation to DUNE by Frank Herbert, but you are welcome to submit DUNE inspired works.
Last Tuesday of Each Month 5-9pm
Hugo House
1634 11th Ave, Seattle, WA 98122