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  • Date: January 3
  • Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm PT

Release Party: PageBoy Magazine, Issue 10


Shawna, Ann Gale.

PageBoy Magazine has always had its finger on the pulse of contemporary trends—and its tenth issue is no exception. While brainstorming for the issue, PageBoy decided to work with the well-known paradox that through formal constraint, a writer’s work can be liberated. So they invented a new poetic form: the Seventeen.

A Seventeen has no genre and just one rule: there can be no more and no less than seventeen words. Issue X has more than forty poets and writers writing in this form, in addition to spectacular visual art by Ann Gale.

For the release party, more than twenty writers have agreed to perform their interpretations of the form, as well as musicians, a filmmaker, and a comic artist.

Join us in the Salon to find out exactly what very many writers can do with very few words, several musicians can do with seventeen seconds, and one comedian can do with an old bag of pigeon handles.

Participants include the writers Laura Allen, Amanda Baker-Patterson, Steven Barker, Greg Bem, Matt Briggs, Jennifer Burdette, Bill Carty, Justine Chan, George Ciardi, Mallory Clarke, Lynne Ellis, David Fewster, Rebecca Hoogs, Nancy Kiefer, Jason Kirk, Nadine Maestas, Melanie Masson, Rachel Nelson, Sierra Nelson, Susan Parr, Jeremy Springsteed, Joel Savishinksky, Danielle Skredsvig, Paul Sheprow, and Jason Whitmarsh; musicians Nat Evans, Ivory Smith, Scott Adams, Margo Lauritzen, Jeppa Hall, and William Bernhard; filmmaker Amy Billharz; and comic writer Bettina McKelvey.

About the Performers


Scott Adams: a composer multi-instrumentalist teacher eater sleeper deepthoughtthinker thorough chewer overunderachiever napper dreamer dishwasher cat feeder.

Laura Allen: writer, painter, poet, artist, mover/maker of many, many things. She lives in West Seattle.

Amanda Baker-Patterson is an award-winning and Pushcart Prize-nominated writer. These poems are dedicated to her husband, Josh.

Someone on the internet once called Steven Barker’s writing “Overly self indulgent with no point at all.”

William Bernhard: sometimes I follow my interests and sometimes they follow me and sometimes we play tag.

Matt Briggs writes books and code, runs slow on cinder tracks, and sometimes eats paper thin nori.

Jennifer Burdette’s life has always felt like an aboveground pool, never what was expected, yet usefully adequate.

Bill Carty is the author of Huge Cloudy, forthcoming in late 2018, weather dependent, from Octopus Books.

Justine Chan was supposed to become a zookeeper, according to an 8th grade career survey. Well. Instead—

George Ciardi is a published photographer, self-published author, classic film fanatic, wise-guy and an incurable road tripper.

Mallory Clarke is about social justice, quarter century mothering, wildlife tracking, and a life seasoned with words.

Lynne Ellis writes in pen. Her words appear in WA 129, Cascadia Rising Review, Anesthesiology, and STARS.

Being limited to seventeen words for a bio most certainly restrains one’s ego. Still, google Nat Evans!

David Fewster has been to Hollywood, has been to Redwood, has crossed ocean for heart of gold.

Jeppa Hall is a performance artist and musician known as Queen Shmooquan, the super-real cult hero.

Rebecca Hoogs is the author of Grenade and Self-Storage. She currently lives (in Seattle) forever as if.

Nancy Kiefer lives in Seattle where she paints and draws in her studio, writing poems some mornings.

Jason Kirk reads, writes, edits, hungers, thirsts, strives, plays, performs, eats, drinks, sleeps, and breathes in Seattle.

Margo Lauritzen: musical conjurer of worlds—poetically cinematic—many years underground, now building routines to be seen.

Melanie Masson is a southern-born writer and photographer. These days, she hangs her hat in Seattle, Washington.

Bettina McKelvey is a comedian, trash film connoisseur, and longtime public library employee who loves designer clogs.

Rachel Nelson is a biogenic nighttime apparition. She appears in forests, marshlands, and deserts in North America.

Sierra Nelson’s books include The Lachrymose Report and 100 Rooms. Also: Vis-a-Vis Society. Cephalopod Appreciation Society president.

Susan Parr wrote the poetry collection Pacific Shooter. She contemplates making a kind of multiverse reading list.

Re Drum is various and Festival. original cacophony for Voices, they In material occasion. provoke creative Seattle.

Anthropologist Joel Savishinsky’s latest book, Breaking The Watch: Retirement in America, won the Gerontology Society’s annual prize.

Paul Sheprow was born in New Jersey and lives in Oregon. Work most recently in The Poleax.

Danielle Skredsvig works as a screenprinter and lives under a (somehow still affordable) rock in Seattle.

Ivory Smith’s a Seattle based musician producer, everything from lounge diva to build­ing her own elec­tronic instru­ments.

Jason Whitmarsh lives in Seattle, where he’s written a surprising number of seventeen and almost seventeen-word poems.