Scribes-O-Rama – Winter 2021
Scribes-O-Rama is an afternoon filled with creative writing workshops and activities for young writers!
Join us on Saturday, January 29 from 12pm–5pm PST try out new genres and activities for creative writing, meet other young writers, and learn from published teaching artists, all in one afternoon.
Scribes-O-Rama workshops
For the first four hours of this online event, youth participants in grades 4th-12th will take part in one, two, three, or up to four workshops total, choosing from workshops offered each hour (when choice is available), on the hour. Each workshop will last 50 minutes, allowing participants to take a 10-minute break between sessions. Workshops will be broken into age groups so that participants are working amongst their writing peers and with materials and activities that are relevant to them. In each workshop, Hugo House teaching artists will facilitate a brief lesson/activity and offer a writing prompt or exercise. Students will have time during each workshop to write and can choose to share their writing with each other at the end.
Writing Life panel with the Hugo House Fellows
The fifth hour (4–5pm PST) will offer students the opportunity to learn from current Hugo House Fellows—novelists, poets, essayists—writers who have been published and are becoming published. These panelists will talk about their varied paths to publishing, helping participants to see that the “Writing Life” looks different for everyone, depending on who you are, what is available to you, and the choices that you make for yourself. This panel will be moderated by former Hugo House Fellow Arianne True.
As with all of our Scribes programs, we offer registration on a sliding scale rate so that families can choose the rate that best suits their needs, in addition to providing need-based scholarship by filling out this scholarship application. We are also offering a rate at 125% of the total registration rate—this extra payment will help offset the cost of this event in order to ensure that we can continue to offer these programs for all youth who want to write.