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  • This event has passed.
  • Date: October 7
  • Time: 7:00pm - 7:00pm PT

Spotlight Poetry: Gabrielle Bates, Julia Guez, Luther Hughes, Dujie Tahat, and Tess Taylor

Join us for a celebration of all things verse with visiting poets Julia Guez and Tess Taylor, along with local favorites and cohosts of the Poet Salon Podcast Gabrielle Bates, Luther Hughes, and Dujie Tahat.

This event will be held on Zoom and broadcast simultaneously through Facebook Live. To RSVP to the Zoom call, click the “Tickets” link above.

About the Readers


Julia Guez’s poetry, essays, interviews and translations have appeared in Poetry, the Guardian, PEN Poetry Series, the Kenyon Review, BOMB, and the Brooklyn Rail. She has been awarded the Discovery/Boston Review Poetry Prize, a Fulbright Fellowship and the John Frederick Nims Memorial Prize in Translation. Guez holds degrees from Rice and Columbia. For the last decade, she has worked with Teach For America; she’s currently a senior managing director of program implementation there. She also teaches creative writing at Rutgers and writes poetry reviews for Publishers Weekly.

Tess Taylor is the author of five collections of poetry. Her chapbook, The Misremembered World, was selected by Eavan Boland for the Poetry Society of America’s inaugural chapbook fellowship, and the San Francisco Chronicle called her first book, The Forage House, “stunning.” Her second book, Work & Days, was named one of the 10 best books of poetry of 2016 by the New York Times. Taylor’s work has appeared in the Atlantic, the Kenyon Review, Poetry, Tin House, the Times Literary Supplement, and elsewhere. In spring 2020 she published two books of poems: Last West, part of Dorothea Lange: Words & Pictures, at the Museum of Modern Art, and Rift Zone, from Red Hen Press. She teaches at University of California, Davis.

Gabrielle Bates is a poet from Birmingham, Alabama, currently living in Seattle, where she works for Open Books: A Poem Emporium and cohosts the podcast The Poet Salon. Her poems and poetry comics have appeared or are forthcoming in the New Yorker, Poetry, American Poetry Review, and the Best of the Net anthology, among other venues.

Luther Hughes, born and raised Seattle, is the author of A Shiver in the Leaves (BOA Editions, 2022) and the chapbook Touched (Sibling Rivalry Press, 2018). Founder of Shade Literary Arts and executive editor for the The Offing, he cohosts The Poet Salon podcast with Gabrielle Bates and Dujie Tahat. His work has been published in PoetryParis ReviewThe RumpusNew England Review, and others. He is the recipient of the 2020 92Y Discovery Poetry Prize. Luther received his MFA from Washington University in St. Louis.

Dujie Tahat is a Filipino-Jordanian immigrant living in Washington State. They are the author of two chapbooks: Here I Am O My God, selected by Fady Joudah for a Poetry Society of America Chapbook Fellowship, and Salat, selected by Cornelius Eady as winner of the Tupelo Press Sunken Garden Chapbook Award. Their poems have been published or are forthcoming in Poetry, Poetry NWZYZZVABest New PoetsAsian American Literary Review and elsewhere. Dujie has earned fellowships from Hugo House, Jack Straw Writing Program, and the Poetry Foundation, as well as a work-study scholarship from Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference. They serve as a poetry editor for Moss and Homology Lit and cohost The Poet Salon podcast.