The Novel: Live!

Thirty-six Northwest authors take part in the most stunning literary feat ever imagined—they will collaborate on a book-length piece of fiction in a marathon writing session over six days.
On Sunday, October 10, story elements for “The Novel: Live!,” including themes, characters and locations, will be decided upon with input from the community at the kick-off party for Arts Crush Literary Week at Elliott Bay Book Company, and then beginning 10 a.m. on Monday, October 11, author Jennie Shortridge will have a seat and begin typing at a computer stationed on Hugo House’s Cabaret stage. Every two hours until 10 p.m. each evening, a new, nationally published Northwest author will assume control of the computer—and of the story—until the novel is completed by author Garth Stein on the evening of October 16.
To assist the authors in this risky challenge, each will have three “lifelines,” which can be used to call fellow authors or their own agents and publishers, and the advice and encouragement of “TN:L!” official “fairy god-author,” Nancy Pearl, famed Seattle librarian and author of “Book Lust.”
The event is free and open to the public throughout each day. Hugo House will host happy hours with drink specials, refreshments and snacks available at its bar/café in the evenings from 5-7 p.m. and a late night from 8-10 p.m.
Tonight’s happy hour is hosted by Warren Etheredge, Seattle’s film bon vivant, author of “The Warren Report” and founding member of FilmSchool. There will be drink specials, free food and raffle prizes!
The event is being made possible with a grant from
A List of Participating Authors
Garth Stein
Jennie Shortridge
Carol Cassella
Mary Guterson
Erica Bauermeister
Kit Bakke
Susan Wiggs
Erik Larson
Jamie Ford
Kevin O’Brien
Maria Dahvana Headley
Matthew Amster-Burton
Suzanne Selfors
Ed Skoog
Sean Beaudoin
Robert Dugoni
Kathleen Alcala
Karen Finneyfrock
Nancy Rawles
Craig Welch
Julia Quinn
Deb Caletti
Dave Boling
Peter Mountford
Kevin Emerson
William Dietrich
Elizabeth George
Clyde Ford
Stacey Levine
David Lasky
Greg Stump
Indu Sundaresan
Teri Hein
Jarret Middleton
Frances McCue
More info at