To Whom It May Concern: Writing for a Cause
With every new day, it seems there’s something new to translate into writing: if it’s not about gun violence, it’s about homelessness. If it’s not about homelessness, it’s about police brutality. If it’s not about police brutality, it’s about women’s health.
As writers, we’re specially equipped to convey relevant anecdotes, emotions, and ideas related to the things we believe in. We just aren’t the best at projects without deadlines; at finding the time to put a letter in the mail (well, most of us).
On Jan. 26, Hugo House will provide a space for this very thing. You can:
- Hear brief readings of creative writing on social change from Charles Mudede, Litsa Dremousis, and Jennie Shortridge.
- Sit down in the Cabaret with fellow writers to discuss the issues along with gurus Mudede, Dremousis, Shortridge, and more.
- Spend some time writing creatively on any topic you believe in. Check out Matthew Olzmann’s poem about gun violence, “Letter Beginning with Two Lines by Czesław Miłosz,” as an example.
Let’s use creative writing for social change! (P.S. The event is free, and the bar will be open.)