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  • This event has passed.
  • Date: October 14
  • Time: 8:00pm - 8:00pm PT

UW Castalia

Castalia is a monthly reading series at Hugo House featuring graduate students, faculty, and alumni from the University of Washington MFA program. This evening features first-year prose writer Catherine Walker, first-year poet Cameron Louie, second-year prose writer Tyler Kipling, prose writer and alumnus Elissa Washuta, and faculty member Pimone Triplett.

About the Readers

Catherine Walker is a current Creative Writing MFA student in prose at the University of Washington. Catherine received two bachelors of arts, one in creative writing and the other in art history, from the University of Arizona in 2014. Catherine has many publications on the Fairy Tale Review’s online blog, Fairy Tale Files.

Cameron Quan Louie is from Tucson, Arizona. In 2011, Cameron won the Hattie-Lockett Award for a pretty bad love poem and has been working since then to make up for that embarrassment by putting work in places like Persona, Rainy Day, The Love of Writing and a Morse code-inspired chapbook called Dit Dah. Right now, Cameron is teaching, writing, and looking for good Mexican food.

Ty Kipling hails from Los Angeles and Seattle. She is a second year prose writer, and has absolutely no idea what she’ll be doing with her life if she makes it through her thesis, so please don’t ask her. She really likes dogs, gray weather, feminism, and coffee, so you may ask her about these instead.

Elissa Washuta, a member of the Cowlitz Indian Tribe, is the author of My Body Is a Book of Rules and Starvation Mode. Her work has appeared in Salon, The Chronicle of Higher Education, The Weeklings, BuzzFeed, and elsewhere. She has received a Potlatch Fund Native Arts Grant, an Artist Trust GAP Award, a 4Culture Grant, and a Made at Hugo House fellowship. She serves as adviser for the Department of American Indian Studies at the University of Washington and nonfiction faculty for the MFA program at the Institute of American Indian Arts. Elissa was born in New Jersey and lives near Seattle. She is currently working on an essay collection.