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  • This event has passed.
  • Date: February 27
  • Time: 7:00pm - 7:00pm PT

Word Lit Zine Presents…Beginning, Middle, and End

Beginning, Middle, and End is a story told in three parts one in prose, one in theatre, and one in poetry. An author will read an excerpt of their work. Afterward, the Bibliophilia Players (our group of improvisational actors), never hearing the work before, will bring those characters to life and continue the story. Lastly, a local poet, who has been watching the story the whole time, will conclude the tale with a piece that they create on the spot.

Jekeva Phillips, editor-in-chief, will read from a serial appearing in the next issue of Word Lit Zine, “Cro.”

Local poet Naa Akua will create the final poem.

**This event is sponsored by Bibliophilia Storytelling Festival in coproduction with Hugo House

Doors open at 6:30 pm.

About Bibliophilia

An extravaganza of words for word lovers, Bibliophilia is about the living book. Every event combines poetry and prose with improvisational theatre bringing the page to the stage for a truly unique experience. Join us April 17–19 at Hugo House.

This event is sponsored by Bibliophilia Storytelling Festival in coproduction with Hugo House.


About Word Lit Zine

Word Lit Zine is a quarterly publication for readers and writers. Our goal is to give people something to get excited about. Each issue is jam-packed with local fiction and poetry, articles, interviews, puzzles and games, and so much more. Find out more at wordlitzine.com.