☃️ 🍧 🦖 Scholarships now open for Winter ’25 classes! Apply on the class page 😎 🏂 🗻

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  • This event has passed.
  • Date: June 16
  • Time: 12:00pm - 6:00pm PT


Write-O-Rama is your chance to try out several workshops offered by Hugo House teachers all in one writing-packed day.

Sample Hugo House classes, meet our teachers, and try out genres and topics outside your purview without the pressure of registering for a full class.

Event Overview

Registration begins at 12 p.m. The first class begins at 1 p.m. There are four class choices per 50-minute session. Choose your favorite, head to the room in which it’s held, and the instructor will give a brief talk on the topic followed by a writing prompt or exercise. At the 50-minute mark, we’ll race through the halls ringing the Write-O-Rama bell, and you can head to your next class of choice.


  • $60 gives you entry to Write-O-Rama and five workshops of your choice.
  • $100 gives you entry plus a discounted Hugo House membership, which is good for one year of early registration, class and event discounts, discounts at local bookstores, and other great benefits.
  • Classes & Teachers

    Class information and participating teachers can be found here.