Archives: Teachers/Speakers
Walter Simon
Since 1960 I've worked in Seattle after two years learning my trade on Madison Avenue. By 1975 after writing PR for the Pacific Science Center which gained international publications, understood it was time to work for
Dilruba Ahmed
Alma Garcia
Alma Garcia is the author of All That Rises (University of Arizona Press, 2023). Her short fiction has appeared as an award-winner in Narrative Magazine, Enizagam, Passages North, and Boulevard;
Elisabeth Blair
Fiyola Hoosen-Steele
Anca Szilagyi
William Carty
Bill Carty is the author of Huge Cloudy (Octopus Books, 2019), which was long-listed for The Believer Book Award, and We Sailed on the Lake, published by Bunny Presse/Fonograf Editions
Sarah Dalton-Erickson
Sarah Dalton is a Latina writer, editor, and teacher. She is an alumna of VONA, Macondo, and San Jose State. Her nonfiction has appeared in [pank], MUTHA Magazine, Reed, River
Isabella Bravo
Bella Bravo is a writer new to Seattle. They earned an MFA in fiction from the University of Wisconsin, Madison in 2022. Their stories and essays have appeared in NY