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  • This event has passed.
  • Date: December 6
  • Time: 7:00pm - 10:00pm PT

Copper Canyon Press Showcase & Holiday Book Sale

Fred Wildlife Refuge (128 Belmont Ave East) | 21+ | Free
Attendance is strictly limited to 200 people; please RSVP. The first 100 people to RSVP will receive a complimentary book of poetry at the door!

Holiday book sale! Poetry reading! Meet and greet with publishers and poets of Copper Canyon Press! More!

Who am I writing for?
For you and everything alive inside of you.
— Vicente Aleixandre, translated from the Spanish by Lewis Hyde

Please join Copper Canyon Press and Hugo House for our annual celebration of poetry! Meet the poet Traci Brimhall, who will be reading from her new collection, Saudade. Listen to local poets and luminaries read favorite Copper Canyon poems, and shop our book sale with staff to help you find the poem that will light you up, or the collection that will make the perfect gift for the reader on your list. The right poem, as Vicente Aleixandre suggests, speaks directly to what’s alive in us.

About the Event

7–8 pm | Meet the Press. Doors and cash bar open. Join Copper Canyon Press and Hugo House, and shop the holiday book sale where Copper Canyon staff will play poetry matchmaker.

8–9 pm| Meet the poets. Copper Canyon author Traci Brimhall will read excerpts from her haunting, haunted “bio-mythography” poetry collection, Saudade. Local poets and luminaries will pay tribute to Copper Canyon authors past and present.

9–10 pm | Meet each other. Stick around to talk with each other about what poetry means to you and how it betters your life. Describe the poem you wish someone would write. Fill up on hope. Get a book signed. Raise your glass to another good year in poetry.

There is no ending
to be had. Sleep kisses our eyelids. Star wheel in the dreams.
The river plants its tide in us, saying, sea, sea, sea.
—Traci Brimhall, from “After Seven Lullabies Vanish from the Library”